California Violence Intervention & Prevention Grant - CalVIP

The State Legislature established the CalVIP Grant Program in 2017 to replace the California Gang Reduction, Intervention and Prevention grant program that began in 2007. CalVIP provides funding for cities and community-based organizations with the goal of reducing violence in the city and adjacent areas.

In October 2019 Governor Newsom signed the Break the Cycle of Violence Act (AB 1603). AB 1603 codified the establishment of CalVIP and defined its purpose: to improve public health and safety by supporting effective violence reduction initiatives in communities that are disproportionately impacted by violence, particularly group-member involved homicides, shootings, and aggravated assaults.

The Break the Cycle of Violence act specifies that CalVIP grants shall be used to support, expand and replicate evidence-based violence reduction initiatives, including but not limited to:

  • Hospital-based violence intervention programs,
  • Evidence-based street outreach programs, and
  • Focused deterrence strategies.

These initiatives should seek to interrupt cycles of violence and retaliation in order to reduce the incidence of homicides, shootings, and aggravated assaults and shall be primarily focused on providing violence intervention services to the small segment of the population that is identified as having the highest risk of perpetrating or being victimized by violence in the near future.

Bay Area Station Highlights MLIFE Foundation

MLIFE CEO Mwangi Mukami gave a shout out to the BSCC on Bay Area Station KRON4. CalVIP funds helped to kickstart this strategic program that provides targeted support for youths aged 14-24 residing in the Tenderloin/SoMa, Bayview/Hunters Point, and the Mission District areas of San Francisco where support is critically needed.

Read the article Breaking Boundaries: Kron4 Showcases MLIFE's Revolutionary Work


CalVIP Cohort 5 - Request for Proposals

The anticipated release date for the CalVIP Cohort 5 Request for Proposals is November 22, 2024 (grant cycle begins July 1, 2025).

The BSCC uses Executive Steering Committees to inform decision making related to the Board’s programs, including distributing grant funds. ESCs help the BSCC to work collaboratively in changing environments, complete work on time and create positive partnerships critical for success. CalVIP ESCs are a cross-section of subject matter experts with professional experience related to community-based violence intervention initiatives, program evaluation, policy development and advocacy, and individuals who were impacted by the criminal justice system. ESCs (learn more about ESCs) develop requests for proposals and make funding recommendations to the Board.

CalVIP Cohort 5 ESC Roster

Name Title & Organizational Affiliation From
Janet Gaard, Chair Retired Judge BSCC Board Member Sacramento
Mike Villegas Lieutenant Palm Springs Police Department Palm Springs
Ari Freilich Office of Gun Violence Prevention, Director State Department of Justice Sacramento
Mike McLively Attorney Gifford's Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence San Francisco
Refujio "Cuco" Rodriguez Hope and Heal Fund San Luis Obispo
Thaddeus Smith III African American Black Parent Advisory Chairperson Stockton Unified School District Stockton
Dr. David Richardson Retired Los Angeles
Greg Fidell Combatting Crimes and Guns Initiative Senior Manager Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence Los Angeles
Brian Barnes Assistant Sheriff San Joaquin County San Joaquin County
Elena Costa Violence Prevention Program Section Chief CA Department of Public Health Sacramento
Keycha Gallon CEO and Founder Keyz 2 the Future Non-Profit Organization Bay Area
Dr. Adrienne Hillman Program Officer Trauma Prevention Partnerships California Community Foundation Los Angeles

ESC Meetings - Agendas & Attendance Instructions

September 19, 2024 - 9:30 am - California Violence Intervention & Prevention (CalVIP) Program ESC Meeting - Day 1

September 20, 2024 - 9:30 am - California Violence Intervention & Prevention (CalVIP) Program ESC Meeting - Day 2


CalVIP Cohort 4 Grants

Historically, CalVIP is allocated approximately $9 million each year. In 2021, the state Budget Act provided a one-time augmentation of $200 million across three fiscal years to enhance CalVIP (FY 2021-22, 2022-23, and 2023-24). In addition to this one-time increase, the BSCC anticipates CalVIP will continue to receive an annual $9,000,000 allocation. The CalVIP CalVIP Cohort 4 Request for Proposals was originally released in November 2021, and then a Re-Released Cohort 4 RFP went out to the field in June 2022 resulting in a greater number of CalVIP programs in California cities and community-based organizations.

Grantees: Oct 1, 2022 - Dec 31, 2025

Cohort 4 (10/1/22 - 12/31/25) Project Summaries

City Grant Funding Award
City of Delano $1,193,490
City of Merced $977,647
City of Moreno Valley $1,500,000
City of San Deigo $3,651,862
City of Stockton $2,019,656

Grantees: July 1, 2022 - Dec 31, 2025

Cohort 4 (7/1/22 - 12/31/25) Project Summaries

City Grant Funding Award
City of Antioch $1,794,116
City of Bakersfield $3,114,625
City of Chula Vista $1,728,456
City of Fresno $1,823,792
City of Hemet $963,573
City of Long Beach $3,919,232
City of Los Angeles $4,000,000
City of Modesto $2,215,217
City of Oakland $5,999,948
City of Pasadena $2,510,394
City of Pomona $5,144,940
City of Richmond $6,000,000
City of Salinas $3,130,453
City of San Bernardino $3,800,000
City of San Francisco $6,000,000
City of Vallejo $1,541,292


Prior CalVIP Cohorts

In February 2020 the BSCC released the CalVIP Cohort 3 RFP to California cities disproportionately impacted by violence (as defined by AB 1603) and the community-based organizations (CBO) that serve them. The BSCC awarded grant funds to 13 large cities (population greater than 40,000), 6 small cities (population 40,000 or less) and 14 CBOs.


CalVIP Data Dashboard

The BSCC engaged Social Policy Research Associates  (SPR) to evaluate CalVIP Cohort 3 to help key stakeholders better understand the implementation, administration and progress of grants. SPR designed the dashboard to illustrate the outputs and outcomes grantees have reported to the BSCC through their quarterly progress reports (QPR).

CalVIP Cohort 3 Data Dashboard


Cohort 3 Final Local Evaluation Reports

Small Cities Cities Community-Based Organizations
Grass Valley Bakersfield Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Oakland
Greenfield Fresno Fresh Lifelines for Youth, Inc.
Gustine Long Beach Fresno County Economics Opportunities Commission - Advance Peace
King City Los Angeles Kitchens for Good
Marysville Oakland Los Angeles Brotherhood Crusade, Black United Fund, Inc.
Parlier Oxnard Lundquist Inst. for Biomedical Innovation at Harbor-UCLA
Richmond Safe Passages (Advance Peace) Stockton
Sacramento Sierra Health Foundations Center for Health
Salinas South Bay Community Services
San Bernardino Sothern California Crossroads
San Francisco The Regents of University of California (Davis)
San Jose Watts Gang Task Force Council
Youth ALIVE!


Contact the BSCC regarding the CalVIP Grant

For information about the CalVIP Grant Program please contact:

