2022 Proud Parenting Grant Program

The intent of the Proud Parenting Grant Program is to support young parents who are or were involved in the juvenile systems and/or who are considered crossover youth within the child welfare system. This grant program assists participants and their children by supporting approaches that increase parenting knowledge, supports positive parent-child interactions, and improves co-parenting relationships. In addition, the grant helps to provide community linkages and encourages family centered activities to strengthen generational bonding.


Proud Parenting Grantee Orientation and Trainings


Project Contact List (as of February 2023)

Comprehensive Monitoring Visit (CMV) Webinar: May 11, 2023 | Webinar Recording

  1. BSCC CMV Tool
  2. BSCC CMV Expectations
  3. Sample- Grant Activity Time Tracking
  4. Justification for Participant & Program Incentives Request Form
  5. Sample- Incentive Inventory & Log
  6. Justification for Food & Beverage Request Form

Desk Review Webinar: November 10, 2022 | Webinar Recording

  1. Proud Parenting Desk Review PowerPoint
  2. Proud Parenting Invoice Supporting Documentation Packet Instructions
  3. Proud Parenting Supporting Documentation Checklist
  4. Proud Parenting Grantee Salaries and Benefits Worksheet

Invoice and Modification Webinar: April 13, 2022 | Webinar Recording

  1. Invoice and Modification PowerPoint
  2. Supporting Documentation - Examples
  3. Invoice Narrative Examples

Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) Webinar: April 5, 2022 | Webinar Recording

  1. QPR Template Part A
  2. QPR Template Part B
  3. Ethnic Origin, Ethnicity, or Race Demographic Form - Optional

Local Evaluation Plan (LEP) Webinar: March 3, 2022 | Webinar Recording

  1. Local Evaluation Plan (LEP) and Local Evaluation Report (LER) Guidelines
  2. LEP Guidelines Template
  3. LEP Scoring Rubric
  4. Sample LEPs - Sample ASample B
  5. Evaluation Resources
  6. Statewide Logic Model

Grantee Orientation: February 8–10, 2022 | Orientation Agenda

  1. Orientation Recording Day 1, February 8, 2022
  2. Orientation Recording Day 2, February 9, 2022
  3. Orientation Recording Day 3, February 10, 2022

Section 1 – Grant Contact Information

  1. BSCC PPGP Staff Contact Information
  2. Proud Parenting Grantee Contact Information
  3. Proud Parenting Grant Project Summaries

Section 2 – BSCC and Grant Overviews

  1. BSCC and Proud Parenting Overview PowerPoint
  2. BSCC Grants Coronavirus FAQs

Section 3 – Administrative Responsibilities

  1. Proud Parenting Administrative Responsibilities PowerPoint
  2. Proud Parenting Grant Agreement Sample
  3. BSCC NGO Assurance Form
  4. Grantee Contact Information Sheet
  5. BSCC Grant Administration Guide
  6. Justification for Food and Beverage
  7. Justification for Participant and Program Incentives
  8. Incentive Inventory & Log Sample
  9. Fixed Asset Request Sample

Section 4 – Programmatic Requirements

  1. Proud Parenting Programmatic Requirements PowerPoint
  2. Sample Comprehensive Monitoring Visit (CMV) Tool
  3. General Expectation for On-Site CMV
  4. Principles of Effective Intervention PowerPoint

Section 5 – Fiscal Responsibilities

  1. Fiscal Responsibilities PowerPoint
  2. Invoice Workbook Sample
  3. Invoice Supporting Documentation
  4. Grantee Audit Requirements
  5. Examples of Eligible & Ineligible Project Costs

Section 6 – Data Collection & Evaluation Requirements

  1. Data Collection & Reporting Presentation
  2. Local Evaluation Plan & Report Guidelines
  3. Local Evaluation Plan Rubric
  4. PPGP LEP Guidelines_Question Template _Draft 2.22
  5. Race & Ethnicity Form
  6. AB1998
  7. Evaluator Roles
  8. Data Collection Tips
  9. Evaluation Resources
  10. Statewide Logic Model
  11. Important Dates