Tribal Youth Diversion Grant Program

The Tribal Youth Diversion Grant Program was established as part of the Youth Reinvestment Grant (YRG) that was created through 2018 Budget Act (Chapter 29) and the related trailer bill ((Assembly Bill 1812, Chapter 36, Statutes of 2018).

The 2019 Budget Act (Chapter 23, Statutes of 2019) established the Tribal Youth Diversion (TYD) Grant as independent from the YRG. TYD grants support Indian tribes in the implementation of diversion programs for Indian children using trauma informed, community-based, and health-based interventions. Funding priority must be given to diversion programs that address the needs of Indian children who experience high rates of juvenile arrests, high rates of suicide, high rates of alcohol and substance abuse, and average high school graduation rates that are lower than 75 percent.


TYD Cohort 2 Grants - July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2023

This round of TYD grants made $9.7 million available to federally recognized tribes in California. The maximum amount that a tribe could request was $1.4 million. Two funding categories were established: Urban and Rural. Applicants were asked to self-designate as urban or rural and they competed with the other applicants in their category.

TYD Cohort 2 Project Summaries

Tribe Project Name Award
Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians Coyote Valley Youth Wellness & Truancy Diversion Program $845,629
Fort Mohave Indian Tribe RISE (Revitalizing Indigenous Self-Efficacy) Youth Diversion Project $1,356,106
Hoopa Valley Tribe Hoopa Valley Tribal Court Tribal Youth Diversion Program $1,025,015
Mechoopda Indian Tribe of Chico Rancheria Mechoopda Tribal Youth Program $1,330,870
Picayune Rancheria of the Chukchansi Indians PRCI Tribal Youth Diversion Program $873,398
Pinoleville Pomo Nation Mendocino Intertribal Youth Diversion Grant $1,400,000
San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians San Pasqual Tribal Youth Diversion Program $671,790
Sherwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians Tribal Youth Diversion Program $1,399,141
Yurok Tribe Yurok Youth Diversion Program $798,303



Request for Proposals

In January 2019, the BSCC released the first RFP for the TYD Grant Program. Grants were awarded to the Pinoleville Pomo Nation and Karuk Tribe for approximately $1.1 million.

Bidders' Conference

The BSCC hosts Bidders’ Conferences to provide clarity on the Request for Proposals (RFP) instructions and to allow interested applicants to ask questions about the RFPs and the RFP process.


    Contact the BSCC regarding the TYD Grant Program

    If you have questions or comments about the TYD program email:

    This website will be updated as new information becomes available. You may also subscribe to the BSCC email list for updates about BSCC’s grant projects and funding opportunities. Sign up for BSCC email updates.