About the STC Selection Exams
The Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) has developed a single selection exam for the entry-level Adult Corrections Officer, Juvenile Corrections Officer, and Probation Officer job classifications at local corrections agencies. The BSCC Selection Exam is made available to agencies that participate in the Standards and Training for Corrections (STC) Program. The exam takes approximately two and a half hours for candidates to complete and consists of multiple-choice questions related to the basic knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for a candidate to possess prior to hire.
The BSCC Selection Exam was developed based on a comprehensive job analysis conducted in accordance with federal and state employment guidelines. The exam follows professional standards for this type of research.
The BSCC’s role in development of an entry-level selection exam offers a benefit to local agencies in that exam development requires:
- Cost, Time, Labor, etc.
- Pilot Testing and Large Sample Sizes
- Technical Trained Staff
The BSCC Selection Exam is available in both paper and pencil and computer-based formats. Agencies may use either format as they deem which is best compatible to their unique needs.
Paper and Pencil Exams
- When scheduling a paper and pencil examination, CPS-HR Consulting (CPS-HR) requires agencies to notify them at least 10 working days prior the exam administration date. The agency must indicate the number of candidates for they will be testing and the respective classification(s) they will be testing for. This advance notice allows CPS-HR time to schedule, prepare, and ship all necessary materials.
- CPS will provide score reports to agencies within three working days upon receipt of the scannable answer sheets.
- Score reports will be provided to agencies electronically via email.
- $175 Base Fee
- $10.00 per candidate SCHEDULED for booklet preparation, shipping, and receiving AND
- $3.30 per candidate TESTED for scoring and preparation in one tabulated list
Additional Services Available:
- Answer Sheet Verification - $40.00 per candidate
- Scoring Converted to Excel File - $40.00
- Expedited Shipping- 10% (*Applies to orders placed less than 10 business days prior to test date)
Exam Administration and Ordering
Optional Proctoring Services Available – Contact CPS-HR for pricing quote
To order the BSCC Selection Exam or for further information, please contact CPS-HR directly at: (916) 471-3517 or by email at bscc@cpshr.us
Computer-Based Exams (In Person Proctored)
- Secure electronic delivery
- Easy to use interface/platform
- Exams are presented with instructions
- Time limit is automatically enforced
- No hardware or software requirements (requires internet access)
Number of Candidates Scheduled | Per Candidate Tested | Annual Fee |
1 - 20 | $15.50 | $275 |
20 - 40 | $12.50 | $275 |
41 - 100 | $11.50 | $275 |
101 - 499 | $10.00 | $275 |
500 or more | $9.50 | $275 |
Additional Services Available:
- Answer Sheet Verification - $40.00 per candidate
- Scoring Converted to Excel File - $40.00
To order computer-based (in person proctored) BSCC Selection Exams or for further information, please contact CPS HR directly at: (916) 471-3517 or by email at bscc@cpshr.us
Computer-Based Exams (Remote Proctored) NEW!
- Candidates may take exam remotely through a third-party proctoring service
- Allows agencies to accommodate exam administration for non-local candidates
- Addresses concerns around accommodating testing of large numbers of candidates
- Candidates are closely monitored and recorded by a live proctor (via webcam) for exam security purposes with time limit automatically enforced.
- Convenient scheduling of exam administration
- Scores will be provided to the agency within 1-2 days of closing of exam window
Base Fee* | $200.00 |
Per Candidate Fee | $45.00 |
Rush Scoring Request | $40.00 |
Scores in Excel Format | $40.00 |
*Note: the base fee applies to each scheduled exam administration window (regardless of the number of candidates scheduled to be tested during that time)
To order computer-based (Remote Proctored) BSCC Selection Exams or for further information, please contact CPS-HR directly at (916) 471-3517 or by email at bscc@cpshr.us
Candidate Orientation Booklets
A Candidate Orientation Booklet is available for candidates in preparation to take the BSCC Selection Exam. It is the same for each exam format (paper and pencil and computer-based). The Booklet provides an overview of the exam format as well as sample exam questions. The purpose of the booklet is aimed at reducing test anxiety and providing candidates information about what to expect on the exam. The Candidate Orientation Booklet is available on the BSCC website at:
https://www.bscc.ca.gov/s_stcprogramsandservices/ under the “Selection Standards Information” drop down tab. Agencies are encouraged to provide the Booklet to candidates and/or post to their respective websites as a resource as well.
User Manual
A User Manual is available for local STC participating agencies that use the BSCC Selection Exam. It is intended solely for internal agency personnel use only and not for dissemination to candidates. The Manual provides agencies with technical information about the exam as well as guidance on setting a pass point(s) for each of respective entry-level job classification (Adult Corrections Officer, Juvenile Corrections Officer, and Probation Officer). Agencies may obtain a copy of the User Manual by contacting CPS-HR directly at: (916) 471-3517 or by email at bscc@cpshr.us
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