

Board Meeting Agenda
September 14, 2017, 10:00 a.m.
The Queen Mary Hotel
1126 Queens Highway
Long Beach, CA 90802
Room: Britannia Salon & Deck

Telephonic Location Site BSCC Board Room
2590 Venture Oaks Way, Room 101
Sacramento, CA 95833


  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Information Items
    1. Chair's Report
    2. Executive Director's Report
    3. Legislative Update - PDF
    4. Legal Update
  3. Action: Consent Items
    1. Minutes from the June 8, 2017 Board Meeting: Requesting Approval - PDF
    2. Proposed 2018 Board of State and Community Corrections Meeting Schedule: Requesting Approval - PDF
    3. Proposed Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program Chair and Executive Steering Committee: Requesting Approval - PDF
    4. Proud Parenting Grant Program Funding Augmentation for Year Three: Requesting Approval - PDF
  1. Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion Program No-Cost Extension of Grant Period: Requesting Approval - PDF
  1. Assembly Bill 900 Phase II (Local Jail Construction Financing Program) Siskiyou County Requesting Extension and Site/Scope Change - Project Establishment Extension to May 2018: Requesting Approval - PDF
  1. Senate Bill 844, Financing of Adult Local Criminal Justice Facilities Construction Financing Program, Promulgation of Regulations: Requesting Approval - PDF
  1. Discussion Items/wp-content/uploads/Agenda Item G - SB 844 Emergency Regulations - FINAL.pdf
    1. SenateBill1022 Adult Local Criminal Justice Facilities Construction Program: Humboldt County Relinquishment and Conditional Awards Authority: Requesting Approval - PDF
  1. Board of State and Community Corrections’ 2017-2020 Strategic Plan: Requesting Approval - PDF
  1. Adult Title 15 Section 1062, Visiting-Amendments to Conform with Assembly Bill 103 (Chapter 17, Statutes of 2017): Requesting Approval - PDF
  1. Senate Bill 844, Financing of Adult Local Criminal Justice  Facilities Construction Financing Program, San Joaquin County -  Statement of Decision from Appeals Panel: For Discussion - PDF


  1. Public Comments

Public comment about any agenda item may be heard at this time. There is a 3-minute limit unless otherwise directed by the Board Chair.

  1. Closed Session - (Gov. Code, § 11126, subd. (e)(2)(B) & (C).)
    • State of California v. Sessions, Case No. 17-cv-4701
      (Byrne/JAG Litigation)
  2. Adjourn

Routine items are heard on the consent calendar. All are approved after one motion unless a Board member asks for discussion or separate action on any item. Anyone may ask to be heard on any item on the consent calendar prior to the Board’s vote.

Next Meeting:  November 9, 2017