Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities (R.E.D.) Grant

Over the last decade, the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) has worked toward ensuring the reduction of the overrepresentation of youth of color coming into contact with California’s juvenile justice system. This priority is guided by the BSCC Board, the State Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (SACJJDP) and its Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities (R.E.D., previously Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC)) Subcommittee. Using a multi-faceted approach, federal Title II Formula Grant monies have been earmarked for a statewide initiative which follows three distinct tracks: direct service, education/awareness, and support through both resources and advocacy.

The ultimate goal of the R.E.D. work is to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities across the juvenile justice continuum. The goals and objectives are comprised of several prioritized themes. These themes include: the emphasis on community engagement as a cornerstone to improved outcomes; the intersection between the reduction of implicit bias and data-driven decision-making; and, lastly, applying principles that focus on enhancing correctional practices while still allowing for innovation.

The R.E.D. Grant Goal:

To reduce the number of boys and girls of color in contact with the juvenile justice system and reduce implicit bias in policies, practice, and decision-making. To successfully accomplish this, agencies must:

  1. Actively collaborate with education, child welfare, law enforcement, mental health, and other systems that intersect with the juvenile justice system to reduce the connections;
  2. Actively engage their community in the development and implementation of the strategies and partnerships to reduce disparities to reduce the number of youth;
  3. Utilize evidence-based principles and innovative, promising approaches that focus on effectiveness, efficiency, and equity (e.g., culturally competent and gender-responsive programming) toward the reduction of disparity; and,
  4. Evaluate and refine internal structures and policies that disparately impact boys and girls of color.

R.E.D. Grants

The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) of 2002 reauthorized the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) to administer the Title II Formula Grant program (CFDA #16.540), which supports state and local delinquency prevention and intervention efforts, and juvenile justice system improvements. Congress appropriates Title II funds and OJJDP awards the monies to states on the basis of their proportionate population under age 18.

Title II Funding is overseen by the SACJJDP; R.E.D. is just one area in which these federal funds are used across California (See also Title II Formula Grant and Tribal Youth Grant, click here). As California is one of the most diverse states in the nation and must embrace the array of populations in the various systems that serve its residents. Attempts must be made to accurately reflect the issue(s) of disparity of youth of color in contact with the juvenile justice system as a mechanism to bolster awareness, leadership, and transparency.

The R.E.D. Grant is a 4-Year phased project requiring broad system reform and although the probation department is the lead agency for project administration and oversight of these grants, it is imperative that the engagement, collaboration, and commitment of community stakeholders be at the forefront of the work being done. Community engagement acknowledged the importance of having the family and communities of youth most affected by the juvenile justice system working in partnership with system staff and community-based organizations throughout the reform process, if measurable, sustainable reductions in disparities are to occur. In addition it is essential that the efforts to reduce disparity address both the system and the individual.

R.E.D. Grantees  (Grant Cycle - October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2018)

The four (4) counties that received Title II R.E.D. funding:

  1. Mono County Probation Department | Grant amount $150,000
  2. San Joaquin County Probation Department | Grant amount $200,000
  3. Santa Barbara County Probation Department | Grant amount $147,940
  4. Stanislaus County Probation Department | Grant amount $200,000

Project summaries for the R.E.D. grantees


Additional Information on R.E.D. and Title II

Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparity (R.E.D.) Subcommittee

State Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (SACJJDP)

CPGP Grant Funded Programs