Juvenile Justice Data Working Group, 2014-2016

Assembly Bill 1468 (Chapter 26, 2014) established the California Juvenile Justice Data Working Group (JJDWG) within the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC). The main purpose of the JJDWG was to conduct a thorough review of state and local juvenile justice data systems, capacity and needs in California and to produce a report to the Legislature recommending “…options for improving interagency coordination, modernization and upgrading of state and local juvenile justice data and information systems.”

By statute the JJDWG was mandated to do the following:

  • Analyze the capacities and limitations of data systems and networks in current use, including a review of other-state systems;
  • Identify changes or upgrades to improve the capacity and utility of juvenile justice caseload and outcome data in California, including changes to support the gathering of juvenile justice outcome and recidivism information and changes to improve performance outcome measures for state-local grant programs;
  • Identify changes in data collection and reporting responsibilities of agencies, departments and providers affected;
  • Produce recommendations on the creation of a web-based statewide clearinghouse or information center making relevant juvenile justice information available in a user-friendly, query-based format for stakeholders and members of the public;
  • Submit its report and recommendations to the Legislature, including an implementation plan, by January 1, 2016.