Youthful Offender Block Grant Program
The Annual Legislative Report on the Youthful Offender Block Grant Program provides a summary of expenditures made, and performance outcomes reported, by counties for the 2012-13 fiscal year. With the conclusion of the third year of data collection and analysis, the BSCC has noted several performance outcome reporting challenges inherent in the structure of the YOBG program. Specifically, the nature of the data collected precludes our ability to draw inferences about cause and effect relationships between services and outcomes BSCC has no information concerning county practices with respect to the individual youth who receive YOBG-funded services so caution must be taken in drawing any conclusions regarding outcome differences for YOBG-funded and non-YOBG-funded youth. The data do not establish a relationship between YOBG funding and outcomes for youth.
- Annual Report to the Legislature, 2015 - PDF
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