Byrne JAG Informational Resources and FAQs
FAQs #4
Posted 11/17/14: PDF
CLARIFICATION to Budget Instructions
It has been brought to our attention that the instructions within the Budget section of the Byrne JAG Request for Proposal (Section VIII, pages 27-29) are somewhat confusing. BSCC is providing the following clarification to the budget instructions, as follows (this information will also be posted to the BSCC website):
- Budget Line Item Totals: As stated in the RFP, the applicant should complete one table (as shown on page 28) for each of the three grant years. The table must include a grand total for each of the seven categories listed in the table. As a part of this section, the applicant may also provide detailed line-item calculations under each category. Please see JAG Sample Budget Tables (PDF). Each table may be more than one page. Please note that the budget tables are separate attachments, not included in the page limit assigned to the Budget Narrative.
- Budget Narrative: As per the instructions in the RFP, the applicant must limit the budget narrative to five (5) pages. The narrative is separate from the budget tables. In this section, the applicants should address rating factors 8.1 through 8.9. Please note for rating factors 8.3 and 8.8, the applicant must complete budget line-item narrative for budget items 1-7 (as per instructions starting on page 28). Please see JAG Sample Budget Narrative (PDF).
We apologize for any confusion this has caused. Please be advised that no applicant will be disqualified based solely on the budget section. The samples provided here are provided for guidance only and represent one example of an acceptable format. BSCC staff will work with prospective applicants during the Technical Review period to address any major concerns.
CORRECTION to RFP, page 21, JAG Proposal Checklist:
- Proposal Narrative should be listed as Sections II–VII (not II–VIII)
- Proposal Budget should be listed as Section VIII (not XI)
- There is NO Section IX
CORRECTION to RFP, page 37, Appendix F – Sample Board Resolution:
- In the second paragraph, replace “Enhanced R.E.D. Grant Project” with “Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program” and replace “federal Formula Grant Funds” with “federal grant funds” to read:
- WHERAS the (insert name of applicant county) desires to participate in the Byrne JAG Project supported by federal grant funds….
- In the fifth paragraph, replace “federal Formula Grants Program” with “federal JAG Program” to read:
- IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that the county agrees to abide by the statutes and regulations governing the federal JAG Program….
- Revised Sample Board Resolution: PDF
JAG Frequently Asked Questions:
Posted 10/29/14: PDF (Including FAQs from Bidder’s Conferences)
Posted 10/14/14: PDF
Posted 10/6/14: PDF
This page will be updated as additional questions are submitted. Please check back each week for updates.
JAG Executive Steering Committee
List of Members: PDF
2013 Byrne JAG Stakeholder Survey PDF
A Survey of California Board of State and Community Corrections Stakeholders
Additional Informational Websites
- Bureau of Justice Assistance - Center for Evidence-Based Practice, University of California, Irvine - Presley Center for Crime and Justice Studies, University of California, Riverside - Evidence-Based Policing Matrix, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy
Related Articles
“How Community Advisory Boards Can Assist the Work of the Justice System” PDF
- Center for Court Innovation, May 2014
“Being Smart on Crime with Evidence-based Policing” Link
- National Institute for Justice (NIJ) NIJ Journal No. 269, March 2012
“Evidence-Based Practices-Reducing Recidivism to Increase Public Safety: A Cooperative Effort by Courts and Probation” PDF
- Hon. J. Richard Couzens, Placer County Superior Court (Ret.), June, 2011
“Practitioner's Guide to Evidence Based Practices” PDF
- Mark Carey & Roger K. Warren, 2006
“Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Community Corrections: The Principles of Effective Intervention” PDF
- The National Institute of Corrections
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