Adult Titles 15 and 24 Regulations Revision (2015)

Beginning in mid-2015, the Regulations Revision Executive Steering Committee (ESC) met to identify issues, provide direction to workgroups, and recommend revisions to Title 15 and Title 24 regulations. The proposed revisions were approved by the BSCC Board in June of 2016.

Title 15: Revisions have been adopted, effective April 1, 2017

Title 15 (full text) – Effective April 1, 2017 – PDF
Title 15 (strikeout and underline) – PDF
Highlights of Title 15 Revisions – PDF
Title 15 Minors in Detention Excerpt - Effective April 1, 2017 - PDF

Title 24Revisions have been adopted, Part 1 is effective as of September 16, 2017, Part 2 is effective as of January 12, 2018

Title 24 (full text) - PDF
Title 24 (strikeout and underline) - PDF

Please note that this rulemaking action does not include the proposed revisions to Title 15 related to visitation; information on the visitation regulation revisions is located here: 

Questions? Contact Ginger Wolfe (916.323-8621 or or Allison Ganter (916-323-8617 or