Senate Bill 81 Round 2

To be held at: 660 Bercut Drive, Sacramento, California 95811 And at the following telephonic locations: Montgomery Ross Fisher Building USC School of Social Work Los Angeles, CA 90089-0411 669 w. 34th Street room # 345 Silberman School of Social Work 2180 Third Avenue New York, New York 10035 AGENDAPDF A. Welcome and Introductions B. Public Comment C. ESC Meeting # 1 Minute Approval D. Discussion of Rating Factors and Process E. ESC Recommendations on Rating Factors and Process F. Discussion of Rating Factor Criteria G. ESC Recommendations on Elements of the RFP H. Public Comment I. Adjourn Additional Information or Questions? For additional information or if you have questions about this Public Notice please feel free to contact: Lenard LaChappell P (916) 445-6023