BSCC Seeks Prop 47 ESC Members

SACRAMENTO (September 16, 2021) – The Board of State and Community Corrections is seeking volunteers to serve on a committee that will oversee grant development for the third round of Proposition 47 funding.

The Board voted today to establish an Executive Steering Committee that will work with staff to draft requirements that grantees must meet to qualify for funding, and then incorporate those into the Request for Proposals. Members will also read applications and score them according to how well each meets the criteria.

Prop 47 was a 2014 voter-approved initiative that reduced certain lower-level felonies to misdemeanors and directed that the savings from state incarceration costs be used to fund grants to provide mental health and substance use disorder treatment, and other services. The BSCC receives 65 percent of the available funding, which is anticipated to be about $75 million each year for the three-year grant cycle.

Proposition 47 requires that the funds be awarded to public agencies working with community-based organizations to provide mental health services, substance-use disorder treatment or diversion programs for system-involved people. Additional legislation (AB 1056, Chap. 438, Stats. of 2015) requires that the grants be awarded competitively, specifies that funds may serve both adults and juveniles and allows funds to be used for housing-related assistance and other community-based supportive services, including job skills training, case management or civil legal services. 

For its ESCs, the BSCC always seeks diverse membership with relevant subject-matter expertise and lived experience. Recruitment will run through Oct. 22, 2021. Prospective members should be available to meet and perform duties through July 2022.

For more information visit here: and here

To submit a statement of interest or to learn more about the ESC process, visit here:

For further information contact Field Representative Dameion Renault at