BSCC Awards $17 Million in Grants to Fund County Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs, Including Medication-Assisted Treatment
SACRAMENTO (April 11, 2024) -- The Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) today awarded $17 million through two separate grant programs to fund local governments in the development and implementation of evidence-based substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and aftercare services for people housed in local detention facilities and under criminal justice supervision.
The Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Grant was established by Assembly Bill 653 (Chapter 745, Statutes of 2021) and funded in the Budget Act of 2022 to include $10 million in competitive grant funding for California counties that provide medication-assisted treatment and aftercare services to people under criminal justice supervision. Individual county applicants could request up to $1.25 million and collaborative county applicants could request up to $2.5 million.
As recommended by the MAT Scoring Panel, nine counties will receive $10 million for a three-year grant that begins May 1, 2024. Grantees will be required to collect and maintain data on grant-funded activities and the success of those activities in reducing drug overdoses and recidivism. Read the MAT Proposal Summaries. To read more about this grant visit the MAT grant page.
Funded through the federal Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Program allows BSCC to fund counties that operate SUD treatment programs inside local detention facilities with community-based aftercare components. County applicants could request up to $1.5 million and must meet a 25 percent match requirement.
As recommended by the RSAT Scoring Panel, five counties will receive $7 million for a three-year grant that begins July 1, 2024. Read the RSAT Proposal Summaries. To learn more about the RSAT grant visit the RSAT grant page.
The BSCC is a state agency responsible for providing leadership and support to local criminal justice systems in California. Through grant programs, training, and technical assistance, the agency works collaboratively with partners throughout the state to address pressing public safety issues and create safer, healthier communities for all Californians.
For more information about the MAT grant or the RSAT program please contact Field Representative Timothy Polasik at