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Welcome to the newsroom. This page includes articles about promising practices underway in the counties, press releases and announcements about the BSCC, and archived press materials released by the BSCC since 2013.

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BSCC Awards Second Round of Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Grants

July 11, 2024
SACRAMENTO, CA – July 11, 2024 – The California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) awarded $19.58 million in grant awards in the second round of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) Grant Program. These grants will support 18 federally recognized Indian tribes in California in their efforts to address the crisis of […]

Notice of Proposed Action – Minimum Standards for Training and Local Detention Facilities

May 31, 2024
SACRAMENTO (May 31, 2024) – The Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) hereby gives notice of the proposed regulatory action(s) described in this public notice. BOARD OF STATE AND COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS TITLE 15, DIVISION 1, CHAPTER 1, SUBCHAPTERS 1 AND 4 MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR TRAINING AND LOCAL DETENTION FACILITIES   NOTICE OF PROPOSED ACTION […]

BSCC to Make $152 Million in Proposition 47 Grant Funding Available to Public Agencies

April 11, 2024
SACRAMENTO (April 11, 2024) – The Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) today approved the release of $152 million through a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the fourth round of the Proposition 47 (Prop 47) Grant. Prop 47 was a voter-approved initiative on the November 2014 ballot that reduced from felonies to misdemeanors specified […]

BSCC Awards $17 Million in Grants to Fund County Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs, Including Medication-Assisted Treatment

April 11, 2024
SACRAMENTO (April 11, 2024) -- The Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) today awarded $17 million through two separate grant programs to fund local governments in the development and implementation of evidence-based substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and aftercare services for people housed in local detention facilities and under criminal justice supervision. The Medication-Assisted […]

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Board of State and Community Corrections

(916) 445-5073  BSCC-Mail@bscc.ca.gov

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