Juvenile Detention Profile Survey Dashboards
The interactive Juvenile Detention Profile Survey (JDPS) data dashboard allows users to explore select juvenile facility population data at both the state and county level using currently available JDPS data. The dashboard is updated on a quarterly basis when new JDPS data are made publicly available. Detailed information about the JDPS is available on the JDPS webpage.
The raw data used in the construction of the JDPS dashboard can be accessed via the JDPS Query Tool.
Data in the Dashboards below represent data available through 2024 3rd Quarter (Updated January 22, 2025).
Most Recent Average Daily Population
The Juvenile Detention Profile Survey (JDPS) dashboard consists of three interactive figures to present JDPS data. All figures display statewide data as a default but can be filtered by county, facility type, and facility name, using the filter menus located above the figures. The Average Daily Population by Disposition and Average Monthly Population by Offense Type figures can also be filtered further by gender.
The Most Recent Average Daily Population figure provides a map of California’s counties with the latest average daily population (ADP) both by juvenile detention facility and by county for the most recent quarter of data. Hover over a yellow facility marker to view average daily population for the facility of interest. Hover over the county of interest to display the total ADP by county.
Note: The county totals on the map remain fixed. To deselect the county, click off the state area within the map. To recenter map, hover over the hidden map zoom menu in the top left of the visualization, then click the (home) icon.
Filtering Data
Users can filter data by using the ‘County Name’, ‘Facility Type’, or ‘Facility Name’ filters above the visualization. Please note: the filters are interrelated to only show drop-down options that are relevant to the selection made. For example, if Alameda is selected in the “County Name” filter, the ‘Facility Type’ and ‘Facility Name’ filters will only show relevant selections to Alameda county.
- The ‘County Name’ filter menu will filter the data by county, only displaying the selected county and all facilities within.
- The 'Facility Type' filter allows users to categorize data by different types of facilities, such as Juvenile Hall (JH), Camp, and/or Secure Youth Treatment Facility (SYTF).
- Users can use the 'Facility Name' filter to view data specific to individual juvenile detention facilities.
- The ‘Select by Gender’ filter displays data by gender.
Average Daily Population Trends
Average Daily Population by Disposition.
A stacked bar graph displaying ADP in juvenile facilities over time, distinguishing between the pre-disposition (yellow) and post-disposition ADP (blue). Users can explore data for all counties or filter by a specific county and can filter further by facility type (JH, SYTF, Camp/Ranch).
Average Monthly Population by Offense Type.
A line graph illustrating the year-over-year percentage of the total average monthly population (AMP) categorized by offense type: misdemeanor or felony. The felony AMP percentage is depicted by the blue trend line, while misdemeanor AMP percentage is represented by the orange trend line. Average monthly population (AMP) is calculated using one-day snapshot data—the number of juveniles in custody at 0600 hours on the 15th day of the month. For more information, please refer the JDPS webpage and JDPS Workbook, also referenced in the JDPS Resources section below.
- The ‘County Name’ filter menu will filter the data by county, only displaying the selected county and all facilities within.
- The 'Facility Type' filter allows users to categorize data by different types of facilities, such as Juvenile Hall (JH), Camp, and/or Secure Youth Treatment Facility (SYTF).
- Users can use the 'Facility Name' filter to view data specific to individual juvenile detention facilities.
- The ‘Select by Gender’ filter displays data by gender.
The dashboard is intended to increase transparency of the JDPS data and offer a robust platform for analyzing trends and patterns in juvenile population data. Users who prefer to view data in a table format may wish to explore the JDPS Trends Tables Dashboard.
The trends visualizations reflected in the dashboard are subject to change over time as data are updated or revised. The BSCC makes every effort to verify the submitted data to ensure accuracy, but the data are susceptible to error. Further, the BSCC does not collect details on policies that jurisdictions enforce that might influence the data (e.g., releases, alternatives to confinement).
Additional details for specific data elements or calculation include:
- Due to rounding, numbers and percentages presented may not add up precisely to the totals provided.
- Certain values in the data were imputed to account for unavailable or incomplete data. Missing values were replaced by the average (mean) of the 12 most recent non-missing values for the respective data point.
- In January 2023, the BSCC began to collect data related to Secure Youth Treatment Facilities (SYTFs). Data for these facilities are included in this report and have impacted the reported felony counts for each county. This has led to an increase in many of the county's total Average Daily Population (ADP) from 2022 to 2023.
- A number of juvenile facilities have opened and closed from 2002 through 2023. These changes might affect how the data are represented.
- Inyo County: Inyo County's Juvenile Hall converted to a Special Purpose Juvenile Hall (SPJH) in January 2017. A SPJH is a county facility used for temporary confinement of youth, not to exceed 96 hours, prior to transfer to a full-service juvenile facility or release. Facility-level data are provided for SPJH's in this document, but they do not provide meaningful trends.
- Lassen County: Lassen County's Juvenile Detention Facility closed in June 2019.
- Mariposa County: Mariposa County operates a SPJH. Facility-level data are provided for SPJH's in this document, but they do not provide meaningful trends.
- Mono County: Mono County operated a SPJH between 2002 and March 2014. Facility-level data are provided for SPJH's in this document, but they do not provide meaningful trends.
- Nevada County: Nevada County's Juvenile Detention Facility closed in December 2020.
- Plumas County: Plumas County operated a SPJH between 2002 and March 2008. Facility-level data are provided for SPJH's in this document, but they do not provide meaningful trends.
- Siskiyou County: Siskiyou County's Juvenile Hall converted to a SPJH in February 2018 Facility-level data are provided for SPJH's in this document, but they do not provide meaningful trends.
- Trinity County: Trinity County's Juvenile Hall converted to a SPJH in August 2014. Facility-level data are provided for SPJH's in this document, but they do not provide meaningful trends.
- Del Norte County: Del Norte County’s Juvenile Hall converted to a SPJH in January 2023. Facility-level data are provided for SPJH's in this document, but they do not provide meaningful trends.
- BSCC makes every effort to verify the submitted data to ensure its accuracy, but it is ultimately up to the jurisdictions (counties) to report reliable data.
- Source data can be queried at https://jpjdreporting.bscc.ca.gov/jds-query
For pertinent JDPS information, please refer to the JDPS webpage. This webpage provides links to the query tool to obtain JDPS data, and a workbook that includes the data reporting instructions.
To see the JDPS data in table format, similar to the JDPS Trends PDF file previously published, please see the JDPS Trends Tables.
Board of State and Community Corrections
(916) 445-5073 | BSCC-Mail@bscc.ca.gov
2590 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 200
Sacramento CA 95833