California Capitol

In-Custody Death Review

In 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 519 (Atkins), which expands the Board’s mission to include the promotion of legal and safe conditions for youth, inmates, and staff in local detention facilities. Effective July 1, 2024, SB 519 establishes the position of Director of In-Custody Death Review (ICDR) within the Board of State and Community Corrections. The Director will be appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate for a six-year term.

The ICDR Division will be required to:

  • review investigations of any death incident occurring within a local detention facility;
  • make recommendations to local Sheriffs and Departments of Correction;
  • follow up with local detention facilities on their implementation of the recommendations; and
  • make information available to the public.

Read the full text of the bill


Reporting an In-Custody Death

To align with the legislative changes that created an ICDR Division within the BSCC, Title 15 Section 1046, Death in Custody was amended and now requires facility administrators to:

  • Submit a copy of the in-custody death report required to be submitted to DOJ, per Government Code Section 12525 to the BSCC within 10 days of the death;
  • Conduct an initial review and complete a written report of the death within 30 days of the death (Initial Death Review Report); and
  • Submit a copy of the Initial Death Review Report to the BSCC within 60 days of the death.

The BSCC has developed resources to assist agencies in understanding the reporting requirements and how to report an in-custody death.

Direct any questions regarding ICDR data reporting requirements and procedures to

Reporting Resources


Submit a Report


ICDR Reporting Webinar - June 27, 2024

This webinar was held on June 27, 2024. Watch the ICDR Reporting Webinar


Board of State and Community Corrections

(916) 445-5073

2590 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 200

Sacramento CA 95833


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