Titles 15 and 24 Regulations Revision for Juvenile & Adult Local Detention Facilities

The Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) is responsible for establishing and maintaining minimum standards regulations for the operation, design, and construction of juvenile and adult local detention facilities (Welfare and Institutions Code sections 210 and 885 and Penal Code section 6030).

The BSCC has a longstanding practice of developing and revising regulations in partnership with stakeholders. This method ensures regulation development results in meaningful and necessary standards rooted in evidence-based and best practices.

The links below provide information, chronological updates as they become available, and resources. If you are interested in receiving updates on significant regulation and rulemaking activities via email, please subscribe to the Regulations Revisions ListServ or check back regularly.

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Board of State and Community Corrections

(916) 445-5073  BSCC-Mail@bscc.ca.gov

2590 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 200

Sacramento CA 95833


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