Juvenile Titles 15 and 24 Regulations Revision
The juvenile regulations were approved by the Board at its September 6, 2018 meeting and became effective on January 1, 2019.
- Juvenile Titles 15 & 24 Regulation Revisions, Final Approval and Permission to Submit to Office of Administrative Law: Requesting Approval - PDF
- Press release: Notice of Proposed Action – Title 24 Minimum Standards for Local and Juvenile Detention Facilities
Links to Juvenile Title 15 & 24 Regulation Revisions (available at: FSO Resources)
- Title 15 Regulations are published and maintained by the Office of Administrative Law. To ensure you are viewing the most current regulation, click the following link(s) to visit the official California Code of Regulations (CCR) website. Individual regulation sections on the CCR website are organized by article and subject (e.g., regulations on diets, menus, and food serving can be found in the article titled “Food”)
- BSCC has compiled applicable regulations into the below document(s):
- Title 24 Regulations are published and maintained by the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC). To ensure you are viewing the most current regulation, click the following link to visit the CBSC website. BSCC’s building standards regulations are located in Title 24, Part 1, Chapter 13, and Title 24, Part 2, Chapter 12 (Sections 1230 and 1231).
- BSCC has compiled applicable regulations into the below document(s); updates will be posted as necessary:
NOTICE OF PROPOSED ACTION – The Notice of Proposed Action for the Juvenile Title 15 Regulations Revision has been published in the California Regulatory Notice Register. The 45-day public comment period begins April 6, 2018 and ends at 5:00 pm on May 21, 2018. For full details please follow the link below.
Office of Administrative Law’s Guide to Public Participation
November 15, 2017 ESC Meeting The Juvenile Title 15 and 24 Regulations Revision ESC Meeting will be audio-streamed. Click Here to Listen.
September 6 &7, 2017 ESC Meeting
Plan for Public Comment:
The BSCC will be accepting public comment prior to, and during, the September 6 & 7th Juvenile Regulations Revision Executive Steering Committee (ESC) meeting.
Comments prior to the meeting: We will be accepting written public comment on proposed revisions prior to the ESC meeting, CLICK HERE and follow instructions to submit comments. Written comment submitted prior to September 1st will be provided to ESC members in advance of the meeting. Comments received after September 1st will be printed and handed to ESC members at the meeting.
Comments during the meeting: Public comment will be accepted throughout the September 6 & 7th ESC meeting. Members of the public will be given the opportunity to provide comment prior to the ESC vote on each workgroup's proposed revisions. There will also be opportunity for public comment during the introductory portion of the agenda, prior to the workgroup presentations. Please see agenda for additional detail.
Members of the public will generally be given two minutes for each public comment. The Chairs may allow for additional public comment when deemed appropriate to include sufficient information on which to base the decisions made by the ESC.
March 9, 2017 ESC Meeting
For a list of Executive Steering Committee Members click here
To access briefing material click here
Title 15 Regulations
Title 24 Regulations – Part 1
Title 24 Regulations – Part 2
Questions? Contact Ginger Wolfe (ginger.wolfe@bscc.ca.gov or 916-323-8621) or Allison Ganter (allison.ganter@bscc.ca.gov or 916-323-8617)