Mentally Ill Offender Crime Reduction Grants

The Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) is the State Administering Agency for the Mentally Ill Offender Crime Reduction (MIOCR) grant projects, as specified in Penal Code Section (PC §) 6045 (see Background Information).  These grants support prevention, intervention, diversion, supervision, services and strategies aimed at reducing recidivism in California’s mentally ill offender population and to improve outcomes for these offenders while continuing to protect public safety.

Grant projects began July 1, 2015 and conclude at the end of the three-year award cycle (June 30, 2018).

Adult Projects Juvenile Projects
Alameda County - $948,459 Contra Costa County - $950,000
El Dorado County - $950,000 Nevada County - $750,000
Los Angeles - $1,834,000 Riverside County - $948,510
Madera County - $869,547 San Diego County - $950,000
Nevada County* - $110,472 San Joaquin County - $949,073
San Francisco City/County - $950,000 Santa Clara County - $946,250
San Luis Obispo County - $950,000 Santa Cruz County - $950,000
Santa Clara County - $887,529 Shasta County - $938,842
Santa Cruz County - $949,995 Solano County - $761,322
Solano County - $949,998 Tuolumne County - $262,730
Yolo County - $950,000

*received partial funding

MIOCR Adult Project SummariesPDF

MIOCR Juvenile Project SummariesPDF

MIOCR Grant Program At-A-Glance

  • A total of $18.8 million of Recidivism Reduction Funds was appropriated for local assistance MIOCR projects.
  • State funding was equally divided between adult and juvenile projects.
  • Grants are being funded for three (3) years; however, counties were mandated to create, at a minimum, a four-year local plan.
  • The four-year plan must include prevention, intervention, supervision, and/or incarceration-based services and strategies to reduce recidivism and increase positive outcomes for mentally ill offenders.
  • PC § 6045.4(b) states all projects must match grant dollars at a minimum of 25 percent; however, many counties exceeded this minimum percentage in their original Request for Proposals budget.
  • All MIOCR projects were required to submit a Local Evaluation Plan; projects must then submit a Local Evaluation Report at the conclusion of the three-year grant cycle.
  • County plans are required to include mental health treatment programs, practices, and strategies that have a demonstrated evidence foundation, and are appropriate and effective correctional interventions for the identified target population.
  • MIOCR grant project staff are encouraged to attend training opportunities that will assist in examining project service delivery for perceived inequities and actual disparities that may exist within systems that support the targeted population (reducing racial and ethnic disparity and disproportionality).