The list of Evidence-Based Programs and Strategies used by the Governor's Office of Gang and Youth Violence Policy was complied by Peter Greenwood, Ph.D.

Programs in the PROVEN PROGRAMS category are brand-name programs that have been shown to reduce recidivism, substance use, and/or antisocial behavior in at least two trials, using strong research designs

Delinquency & Recidivism Setting Target Age Group Outcomes
Nurse Family Partnership
An in-home prevention program administered by registered nurses to low-income, at-risk pregnant women bearing their first child.
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Early Childhood

38.2% reduction in recidivism for mothers
15.7% reduction in recidivism for children
Functional Family Therapy (FFT)
An intervention administered in-home by a therapist, focusing on family motivation, engagement and problem-solving.
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High School
Middle School

18.1% reduction in recidivism
Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC)
An intervention administered by specially trained foster parents to teenagers with histories of chronic and severe criminal behavior at risk of incarceration and psychiatric hospitalization.
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High School
Middle School

17.9% reduction in recidivism
Multisystemic Therapy (MST)
An intervention administered by therapist to family to address chronic, violent or substance abusing male or female juvenile offenders, ages 12-17.
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High School
Middle School

7.7% reduction in recidivism
Aggression Replacement Training (ART)
An intervention program, aimed at chronically aggressive 12-17 year olds, administered by trained staff to improve moral reasoning, aggression and anger management.


High School
Middle School

8.3% reduction in recidivism
Substance Abuse Setting Target Age Group Outcomes
Life Skills Training (LST)
Prevention of substance abuse provided in middle school classrooms to all students (initial intervention in Grades 6 or 7 with booster sessions in the two subsequent years).
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Middle School

50%-75% reduction in tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana use
Project Toward No Drug Abuse
Prevention of substance abuse aimed at high-school youth, ages 14-19.
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High School

22% prevalence reduction in 30-day marijuana use
26% prevalence reduction in 30-day hard drug use
Antisocial Behavior Setting Target Age Group Outcomes
Big Brothers / Big Sisters
A prevention program using volunteers as mentors for youth (ages 6-18), usually from single parent homes.
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Elementary School
High School
Middle School

About 33% less likely than control youth to hit someone
Olweus Anti-Bullying Program
A prevention program administered by school staff using school-wide, classroom and individual components. Targets students in elementary, middle and junior high schools.
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Elementary School
Middle School

Reduction in reports of bullying and victimization;
Reduction in general antisocial behavior such as vandalism, fighting, theft and truancy
Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS)
A prevention program promoting emotional and social competencies among elementary school children.
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Elementary School

Decreased report of conduct problems, including aggression
Increased ability to tolerate frustration
The Incredible Years
A prevention program administered by parents and teachers to reduce antisocial behavior. Targeted to children ages 2-10, at risk for and/or presenting with conduct problems.
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Early Childhood
Elementary School

Reductions in peer aggression in the classroom
Reductions in conduct problems at home and school