2017-18 County JJCPA-YOBG Plans
In this first year of implementation counties were asked to submit their current plans, updated to reflect any changes since they were developed, and to prepare for the submission of fully consolidated plans in 2018. For those interested in doing so, counties were given the option to submit a fully consolidated plan this year.
For every county that has submitted a 2017-18 JJCPA-YOBG Plan, you may access that plan by clicking on the linked document(s) next to the county name below. Since counties had multiple options for plan submission this year, some counties have only one linked document, while others have multiple documents that, when taken together, form that county’s complete plan submission for the 2017-18 fiscal year. If a county has not yet submitted its plan, there will not be any files listed next to that county’s name. The BSCC is committed to getting each county’s plan added to this website as quickly as possible after receiving it.
Under the new statutory requirements (AB 1998, Ch. 880, Stats. 2016), the BSCC is no longer required to review county JJCPA or YOBG plan submissions. Posted below, you will find the plans as they were submitted to the BSCC by the counties. Questions about these plans should be directed to the individual counties using the contact information provided as part of the plans.