The California Juvenile Justice Data Working Group (JJDWG) has submitted to the Board of State and Community Corrections a report containing recommendations for the streamlining and consolidation of statutory reporting requirements for counties receiving funds through the JJCPA and YOBG programs. In Fiscal Year 2013-14 these grant programs provided counties with $220 million in juvenile justice system funds.
Assembly Bill 1468 (Statutes of 2014) established the JJDWG to be housed at the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC). The JJDWG is tasked with recommending options to improve, upgrade and modernize state and local juvenile justice data systems in California, with a report due to the Legislature in January 2016. In addition, by April 30, 2015 the JJDWG must submit recommendations to the BSCC Board on improved reporting requirements for the JJCPA and YOBG programs.
The recommendations in this report cover three main areas: county juvenile justice plans that must be submitted annually to BSCC, county annual reports to BSCC on grant outcomes and expenditures, and annual BSCC grant reports to the Legislature. These recommendations, including the discussions leading to them and the rationale behind them, are explained in detail in the text of the full report. This report will be presented to the BSCC Board for formal action at the June 10, 2015 Board meeting.
Memo from David Steinhart, Chair of the Juvenile Justice Data Working Group - PDF
Recommendations to Revise Reporting Requirements for JJCAP and YOBG – Full Report - PDF
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