Adult Reentry Grant Warm Handoff Cohort 2
Bidders’ Conference
December 11, 2020 – 10:00 AM
The BSCC has announced the release of the Adult Reentry Grant Program Cohort 2 Request for Proposals (RFP).
This meeting will provide prospective applicants an opportunity to ask questions concerning the current RFP and provide clarity on RFP instructions.
The Adult Reentry Grant Program Cohort 2 RFP makes available $17,575,000 million through a competitive process for Community-Based Organizations (CBO’s) to deliver reentry services for people formerly incarcerated in state prison.
Eligible applicants for the Adult Reentry Grant Warm Handoff Cohort 2 are as follows:
- Applicants that applied in Round 1 and did not receive a conditional award are eligible to submit a new application in this current round of funding;
- A Warm Handoff applicant that applied for and was awarded less than $500,000 is eligible to compete in this round of funding and may receive the difference between the amount received and $500,000. For example, if an applicant applied for $300,000 in the first round, the applicant may apply for $200,000 in this round. An applicant may only receive a total of $500,000 combined for both rounds of funding;
- A Warm Handoff applicant that was conditionally awarded $500,000 in the previous award period is not eligible to apply for this round of funding.
The Adult Reentry Grant Warm Handoff Cohort 2 RFP can be found here.
Agenda and Zoom Instructions: click here
Join the Meeting
The Bidders’ Conference will be held on Friday, December 11, 2020 beginning at 10:00 a.m.
Pursuant to Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20, this meeting will be conducted via Zoom.
Passcode: 862538
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Meeting ID: 875 9298 8898
Passcode: 862538
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You may join the Zoom Meeting from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device. You may also participate by phone. If you do not have the Zoom application on your device, click here to download prior to the meeting.
To request to speak/ask questions during the meeting:
- Use the chat feature during the meeting to indicate you would like to speak/ask a question.
- Use *9 to “raise your hand” if participating by phone.
- Email with the subject line Bidders’ Question.
Please wait until you are called on to speak. BSCC staff will monitor the requests to speak throughout the meeting. Be patient as we will answer all questions prior to the end of the meeting. Staff will be compiling all questions and answers in a FAQ document which will be posted and updated as necessary at:
Further instruction will be provided at the beginning of the meeting.