Prop 64 PH&S Grant Cohort 2

The second round of Proposition 64 Public Health and Safety Grant Projects (Cohort 2) began May 1, 2021 and provides services and grant activities funded by the State through April 30, 2024. These projects address an array of local topics including juvenile development, prevention, and intervention activities; educational media campaigns for public health risks on the use of cannabis and cannabis products; and compliance/enforcement work. All project components and activities must be linked to local issues and needs due to the implementation of the Control, Regulate and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act (i.e., the legalization of adult recreational use cannabis in California).

Proposition 64 PH&S Cohort 2 Grantee Orientation and Trainings

Cohort 2 Project Contact List (as of February 8, 2023)

Invoice Narrative Examples


October 26, 2021 – Invoice and Desk Review Webinar

  1. Prop 64 Invoicing and Desk Review PowerPoint
  2. Prop 64 Invoice Supporting Documentation Packet Instructions
  3. Prop 64 Supporting Documentation Checklist
  4. Prop 64 Grantee Salaries and Benefits Worksheet

September 8, 2021- Webinar: Cannabis Industry, Public Health, and Equity

August 5, 2021- Quarterly Progress Reports (QPR) – QPR AgendaQPR Webinar

  1. Prop 64 C2 QPR Q1_2 Grantee
  2. Prop 64 C2 QPR Guide_Grantee

July 14, 2021 - Local Evaluation Plan (LEP) Webinar – LEP AgendaLEP Webinar

  1. Local Evaluation Plan (LEP) and Local Evaluation Report (LER) Guidelines
  2. LEP Scoring Rubric
  3. Logic Model A
  4. Logic Model B
  5. Sample LEPs - Sample A PDF - Sample B PDF
  6. Evaluation Resources
  7. Statewide Logic Model

June 21 - 23, 2021 – Grantee Orientation – Orientation Agenda

  1. Orientation Recording, Day 1- June 22, 2021
  2. Orientation Recording, Day 2- June 23, 2021
  3. Orientation Recording, Day 3- June 24, 2021

Section 1 – Grant Contact Information

  1. BSCC Prop 64 Staff Contact Information
  2. Prop 64 Cohort 2 Grantee Contact Information
  3. Prop 64 Cohort 2 Grant Project Summaries

Section 2 – BSCC and Grant Overviews

  1. BSCC and Prop 64 Overview
  2. BSCC Grants Coronavirus FAQs

Section 3 – Administrative Responsibilities

  1. Prop 64 Administrative Responsibilities PowerPoint
  2. Prop 64 Cohort 2 Grant Agreement Sample
  3. BSCC NGO Assurance Form
  4. Grantee Contact Information Sheet
  5. BSCC Grant Administration Guide
  6. Justification for Food & Beverage
  7. Justification for Participant & Program Incentives
  8. Incentive Inventory & Log Sample
  9. Fixed Asset Request Sample

Section 4 – Programmatic Requirements

  1. Prop 64 Programmatic Requirements PowerPoint
  2. Sample Comprehensive Monitoring Visit (CMV) Tool
  3. General Expectations for On-Site CMV
  4. Principles of Effective Intervention

Section 5 – Fiscal Responsibilities

  1. Fiscal Responsibilities PowerPoint
  2. Invoice Workbook Sample
  3. Invoice Supporting Documentation
  4. Budget Modification Scenarios
  5. Grant Audit Requirement

Section 6 – Data Collection & Evaluation Requirements

  1. Data Collection & Reporting PowerPoint
  2. Local Evaluation Plan & Report Guidelines
  3. Local Evaluation Plan Rubric
  4. Race & Ethnicity Form
  5. Assembly Bill 1998
  6. Evaluator Roles
  7. Data Collection Tips
  8. Evaluation Resources
  9. Statewide Logic Model DRAFT
  10. Data Reporting Guide & Instructions for QPRs DRAFT
  11. Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) Form DRAFT