Public Hearing – Title 15 Regulations on Minimum Standards for Local Detention Facilities

On July 29, 2016 a Notice of Proposed Action for the amendment, adoption, and repeal of Title 15 Regulations (Minimum Standards for Local Detention Facilities) was published in the California Regulatory Notice Register and on the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) website. The BSCC will host three Public Hearings to provide all interested persons, or authorized representatives,  an opportunity to present statements or arguments, orally or in writing, with respect to the proposed regulations.

September 12, 2016 September 14, 2016 September 15, 2016
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm 10:00 am – 12:00 PM 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
College of the Sequoias San Diego County Sheriff’s Department Board of State and Community Corrections
915 South Mooney Blvd., Ponderosa Rm. 350 9624 Ridgehaven Court, Training Room #1 2590 Venture Oaks Way, Training Room #103
Visalia, CA 93277 San Diego, CA 92123 Sacramento, CA 95833

Those who wish to submit comments, but are unable to attend the public hearings, may do so in writing. All written comments must be received by 5:00 pm on September 12, 2016. The BSCC will only consider written comments received at the BSCC offices by that time. Please see the official Notice of Proposed Action for more information.

Additional Information or Questions?

Ginger Wolfe
P (916)445-5073