Grants Available to Strengthen Police-Community Relationships

SANTA ROSA (Feb. 4, 2016) – The Board of State and Community Corrections is soliciting proposals for a $6 million grant designed to help law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve improve relationships. The Board voted today to release a Request for Proposals describing the grant requirements that local law enforcement agencies, in partnership with community organizations, must meet to qualify for funding. The Strengthening Law Enforcement and Community Relations RFP is available beginning February 5, 2016 on the BSCC homepage at The Budget Act of 2015 appropriated $6 million for competitive grants to assist law enforcement in building trust and enhancing community-police relationships. The Legislature proposed the funds following a hearing in early 2015 that was prompted by several controversial officer-involved shootings and other racially charged incidents across the country. The Governor has proposed $6 million in ongoing funding in the Budget Act of 2016, which, if approved, would allow the BSCC to finance additional qualifying proposals. The BSCC’s Executive Steering Committee used as a guideline for its RFP “The President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing,” a document President Obama’s Administration released in May 2015 that identifies best practices that promote “effective crime reduction while building public trust.” It encourages collaboration with community members, especially those who live and work in neighborhoods disproportionately affected by crime. The RFP requires that 30 percent of successful grant funding must be passed through to the community groups and organizations with which the law enforcement agency is partnering. Proposals will be judged and rated based on the strength of collaborations and how well they meet criteria spelled out in the RFP. The maximum grant for a single law enforcement agency will be $600,000. Joint agency applications are eligible for up to $850,000. A 20 percent match is required. The grants are payable over two years. Law enforcement agencies must notify the BSCC of their intent to apply by March 18, 2016. Proposals are due on April 1, 2016. The BSCC will hold two bidders’ conferences, tentatively scheduled for February 22 in Sacramento at the agency’s headquarters and February 23 in Los Angeles County, at a place to be determined. For more information about the RFP contact Ricardo Goodridge at 916-341-5160 or or Collen Curtin at 916-445-8066 or For comment about the grant please contact Tracie Cone at 916-322-1054 or