BSCC Solicits Proposals for New Round of Jail Improvement Funding
SACRAMENTO (June 10, 2015) – The Board of State and Community Corrections today approved release of a $500 million Request for Proposals designed to improve local jail facilities. The lease-revenue bonds were authorized last year in Senate Bill 863, the Adult Local Criminal Justice Facility Financing legislation. This funding is to help counties upgrade housing and provide programming and treatment space for offenders. Counties will have until Aug. 28, 2015 to submit applications for the funds. Evolving philosophies about incarceration and rehabilitation have impacted county jails. Improving local jails to address current needs has been a priority of the Governor and the Legislature. Both recognize that many older jails were not built for long-term commitments and lack space for programs designed to reduce recidivism. SB 863 specifies that counties can replace outdated, compacted housing with more efficient facilities that emphasize the space needed to achieve the dual goals of reducing recidivism while protecting public safety. “This jail construction program will offer counties the space they need for treatment and programming as they work toward better outcomes,” said Board Chair Linda Penner. Proposals may include replacing existing housing with only a minimal increase in capacity. The RFP (available at gives added consideration to counties that offer programming and treatment designed to reduce recidivism. Funding preference shall be given to counties that are prepared to move forward most quickly. Counties that have not received funding from SB 1022 or AB 900 may also receive scoring consideration. The RFP is intended to solicit proposals to establish a rank-order list. At its Nov. 12, 2015 meeting the Board will make conditional awards subject to financing approval by the State Public Works Board. SB 863 (Chapter 37, Statutes of 2014) became law on June 20, 2014. The Board of State and Community Corrections was established by 2012 legislation to serve as an independent body providing leadership and technical assistance to the adult and juvenile criminal justice systems For more information contact Tracie Cone, Director of Communications at or 916-322-1054.