Jail Profile Survey Dashboard
The interactive Jail Profile Survey (JPS) data dashboard allows users to explore select jail population data at both the state and county level. The dashboard uses currently available JPS data to display trends since 2006 and to provide the most current population data. Users may interact with the dashboard by using filters to view population trends by county, gender and disposition (sentenced, non-sentenced). The dashboard is updated on a quarterly basis when new JPS data are made publicly available. Detailed information about the JPS is available on the JPS webpage.
The raw data used in the construction of the JPS dashboard can be accessed via the JPS Query Tool.
JPS Online Query
The published Jail Profile Survey data are reported by local agencies. Local agencies work hard to submit accurate data, but data collection is not uniform throughout the state. Due to local agency-specific data collection limitations some agencies cannot report all data elements. BSCC screens the data and communicates with reporting agencies to ensure accuracy and completeness but does not conduct investigations or audits of the data or data collection process. The JPS database is a “live database” and represents point in time data. Previously reported data are regularly updated to reflect any revisions received from local agencies.
Jail Profile Survey Query – Data Available through 2024 3rd Quarter (Updated December 17, 2024)
Accessing the JPS Dashboard
Click on the image below to access the JPS Dashboard. The dashboard will open in a separate window within Tableau Public, a free platform to share data visualizations online. For the best viewing experience, it is highly recommended to view the dashboard on a large screen (e.g., desktop, laptop).
JPS Dashboard User Guide
The JPS Dashboard includes three (3) figures. The JPS Dashboard Guide provides an overview of each figure and detailed instructions for using the interactive features to further explore the JPS data. Brief instructions for each figure follow.
- Figure 1. Average Daily Population of County Jails: Provides a stacked bar graph displaying average daily population (ADP) in county jails over time, distinguishing between the non-sentenced ADP (yellow) and sentenced ADP (blue). Users can explore data for all counties or filter by a specific county.
- Figure 2. Average Daily Population for the Latest Quarter: Provides a map with the latest ADP data by county for the most recent quarter for which JPS data are available, with darker shades indicating larger populations. Users can hover over each county to view ADP. Additionally, users can select a specific county within the map using the County filter.
- Figure 3. Jail Population by Offense Type as a Percent of ADP: Provides line graphs depicting the percentage of total ADP by offense type (misdemeanor or felony) over time, with felony ADP represented by the blue trend line and misdemeanor ADP represented by the orange trend line. Users can explore data for all counties (default) or filter by a specific county.
Dashboard and Data Disclaimers
The dashboard is intended to increase transparency of the JPS data and make the data easier to use. Users who prefer to view data in a table format may wish to explore the JPS Trends Tables Dashboard.
The data reflected in the dashboard are subject to change over time as the data are updated or revised. The BSCC makes every effort to verify the submitted data to ensure accuracy, but the data are susceptible to error. Further, the BSCC does not collect details on polices that jurisdictions enforce that might influence the data (e.g., releases, alternatives to confinement).
Additional disclaimers for specific data elements or calculation include:
- Due to rounding, numbers and percentages presented may not add up precisely to the totals provided.
- Certain values in the data were imputed to account for unavailable or incomplete data. Missing values were replaced by the average (mean) of the 12 most recent non-missing values for the respective data point.
- Some jurisdictions are unable to provide a breakdown of the sentenced and non-sentenced (disposition) populations by misdemeanor and felony. As a result, the total provided for the sentenced and non-sentenced ADP, respectively, do not equal the sum of the misdemeanor and felony totals provided for each. Additionally, the percentages of populations may not add up to 100%. The following counties do not report offense type data: Mendocino, Monterey, San Diego Work Furlough, Santa Barbara, Tehama.
For pertinent JPS information, please refer to the JPS webpage. This webpage provides links to the query tool to obtain JPS data, an Excel version of the survey form, and a workbook that includes the data reporting instructions.
Pertinent dashboard resources include the dashboard link, dashboard user guide, and JPS trends tables.
Board of State and Community Corrections
(916) 445-5073 | BSCC-Mail@bscc.ca.gov
2590 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 200
Sacramento CA 95833