BSCC Guidance on Detention Facility Evacuations

Date: August 20, 2020
TO: Chief Probation Officers
FROM: Linda Penner, BSCC Chair

In partnership with the Chief Probation Officers of California (CPOC) the BSCC is issuing the following guidance related to local juvenile detention facility evacuations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the event of an emergency evacuation due to fire or other event, agencies must continue to coordinate with appropriate public health offices and facility healthcare providers to ensure the safety of youth, staff, and community members.

Agencies Seeking Beds

The BSCC will keep an updated list of agencies that have capacity and are able to accept youth from other counties under evacuation orders. Please send the current number of available beds and housing units in your facility or facilities to Deputy Director, Allison Ganter at Include any helpful information to be shared, as well. The BSCC will update this list as necessary and will provide a link to current information. If possible, please send this information by close of business Friday, August 21, 2020.


The following is intended to be applied in conjunction with federal, state, and local public health guidelines.

  • Counties requiring evacuation should seek counties where there is adequate space to separate the youth from both counties.
  • Counties requiring evacuation are encouraged to determine youth’s eligibility for release or home detention before transporting to another county.
  • Transporting staff should continue to follow best practices related to COVID-19 prevention:
    • Masks should be worn at all times by both staff and youth.
    • Youth who are COVID-19 positive, displaying symptoms, or currently in quarantine in their home county should be transported separately from asymptomatic and other youth.
  • Youth who are in quarantine in their home county should remain in quarantine in the receiving county, pursuant to the receiving county’s protocols.
  • Transporting agencies should adhere to intake procedures and COVID-19 protocols in the receiving county.
    • This includes local guidelines.
  • Before arrival, the accepting county should thoroughly disinfect the unit and areas where incoming youth and staff will be placed.
  • Accepting and transporting county staff should wear masks and gloves during intake activities.
    • Incoming youth should wear masks at all times.
    • Both accepting and transporting agencies should adhere to social distance guidelines at all times.
  • • Upon arrival at receiving facility:
    • Symptom and temperature checks for incoming staff and youth should be conducted.
    • Incoming staff and youth should be immediately escorted to the available unit.
  • All incoming county youth and staff should be kept in separate housing areas from receiving county youth and staff.
    • Care should be taken to minimize the movement of the incoming county staff and youth throughout the accepting county’s facility.
    • If a youth or staff member in either county develops COVID-19 symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19, the other county should immediately be notified.

**If the evacuating county’s facility was built using SB81 lease revenue bond financing, notify your BSCC Field Representative immediately**

If you have any additional questions or need further guidance, please contact your assigned BSCC Field Representative.

Thank you,
